Former Cult Members

“Wait… am I in a cult?”

“I have to get out of here.”

“I’m out… and now I have nothing.”

If you’ve thought one of these, I understand what you went through and what you are going through now.

If you’re questioning…

Does the organization you belong to meet most or all these criteria?

  • They keep you unaware of what was really going on behind the scenes and how they are working to change you one step at a time.
  • They control your social life, physical environment, and/or time.
  • They make you feel powerless as an individual, like you can only succeed with them.
  • They use rewards and punishments, and manipulate experiences, to get you as far away from your former social identity as possible.
  • They use rewards and punishments, and manipulate experiences, to promote only the group’s ideology, belief system, and group-approved behaviors.
  • They operate within a closed system of logic and authoritarian structure that does not allow any feedback or questioning and cannot be modified except by leadership.*

If the answer is yes, then you are indeed in an abusive and exploitative group.

If you know, and you’re still in…

I am a safe person for you to talk to. It is illegal and unethical for me to disclose any information about you, or even that you are seeing me, to anyone you have not given me explicit written permission to communicate with…

I want to help you get out in the safest and least traumatic way possible. While it will undoubtedly be difficult, let’s work together to make the transition happen and strengthen you against attacks or attempts to get you back in.

If you know and you’re out…

Time to put your life back together or create an even better one than what you had before. I understand the unique challenges faced by former cult members. Whether you joined as an adult or were born and raised in the group, I have the experience and expertise to help you heal and learn to thrive in the real world.

Contact me today to begin your recovery from cult involvement!

*Adapted from Dr. Margaret Singer’s “Conditions for Thought Reform,” 1995