Top Rated Brainspotting Therapist Los Angeles

Brainspotting may sound confusing or weird, but it’s based on a pretty simple concept:

“Where you look affects how you feel.”

Go ahead and test that out right now if you want.  Think of an issue you’re having, and then move your eyes slowly up & down, back & forth.  You will find that when your eyes are in different places you will think and feel differently about what you brought to mind.

Brainspotting is a trauma treatment designed to help you access, process, & overcome the painful things you’ve been through.  If just talking about your experience hasn’t lead to healing, this brain-body approach could do the trick.

The strong emotions & physical feelings paired with your trauma are stored in parts of your brain that we can’t access by just talking.  With Brainspotting, we use eye positions to release these feelings and bodily sensations so you can finally be free of them.  

The eyes aren’t just the windows to the soul…they’re the windows to your brain, too.

During sessions I will help you find these eye positions, and will be attuned to you as you express the pain associated with your experiences.  We actually don’t need to talk very much at all during Brainspotting since it’s more about your feelings & your body than words. I will hold a safe space for you as you process & let go of what’s been haunting you.

Who can Brainspotting help?

Brainspotting is for you if your trauma makes you feel disconnected from yourself, others, and the world a lot.  It’s also good if you’ve tried EMDR but it was just too intense for you. And, unlike EMDR, Brainspotting can be done via video sessions.

Contact me today to see if Brainspotting can help you along on your healing journey.

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Understanding brainspotting

Brainspotting is a powerful and innovative therapeutic approach that delves deep into the brain’s intricate landscape to access and release emotional trauma, pain, and distress. Developed by Dr. David Grand, this cutting-edge therapy has gained recognition and acclaim for its effectiveness in helping individuals overcome a wide range of emotional and psychological challenges. As a certified Brainspotting therapist, I’m here to demystify this transformative technique and address any speculations you may have.

At its core, Brainspotting is rooted in the understanding that our eyes are windows to our emotional experiences. It is believed that where we look and how we visually process our internal world can profoundly impact our mental and emotional state. During a Brainspotting session, the therapist guides you to identify and focus on specific eye positions, known as “brainspots,” which correspond to areas in your brain where unprocessed trauma or emotional issues are stored. These brainspots represent the physical and emotional manifestations of your pain, and by honing in on them, we can tap into the brain’s innate ability to heal itself.

Now, you might wonder how this works or whether it’s too good to be true. Brainspotting is not magic, but it is a scientifically grounded therapy that leverages the brain’s neuroplasticity. By directing your attention to these brainspots while staying attuned to your physical and emotional responses, we can facilitate the processing and release of unresolved trauma and distress. It’s a collaborative and client-centered approach that allows you to access and heal deep-seated issues at your own pace.

If you’re still skeptical or curious about the potential of Brainspotting, I invite you to explore this transformative therapy with me as your trusted Brainspotting therapist. Together, we can unlock the remarkable healing capabilities of your brain and pave the way for lasting emotional well-being and personal growth.

brainspotting therapy

Why choose brainspotting therapy

Brain Spot Therapy, also known as Brainspotting Therapy, can be a highly effective and personalized approach to healing for various individuals. If you’re seeking therapy and wondering if Brainspotting might be the right fit for you, here are several compelling reasons why it could be:

Trauma Resolution: If you have experienced trauma, whether it’s from a past event or ongoing stressors, Brainspotting therapy can help you process and resolve these traumatic memories. By identifying and targeting the specific brain spots where trauma is stored, this therapy allows for deeper healing and relief from emotional distress. Brainspotting’s gentle and client-centered approach can be particularly beneficial if traditional talk therapy hasn’t yielded the results you desire.

Anxiety and Stress Management: If you find yourself constantly battling anxiety or high levels of stress, Brainspotting can provide you with practical tools to manage these overwhelming emotions. By pinpointing and addressing the neural sources of anxiety or stress, you can learn to regulate your emotional responses and reduce the impact of these challenges on your daily life.

Emotional Blockages: Sometimes, you might feel stuck or emotionally blocked, unable to progress in your personal growth journey. Brainspotting is well-suited for breaking through these emotional barriers. It can help you explore and release deeply buried emotions, fostering a greater sense of emotional freedom and personal growth.

Enhanced Self-Awareness: Brainspotting therapy can be a powerful tool for enhancing self-awareness. Through this process, you can gain insight into your thought patterns, emotional triggers, and behaviors, which can empower you to make positive changes in your life. By becoming more aware of your internal world, you can gain greater control over your reactions and responses.

Chronic Pain Management: Physical pain often has psychological components, and unresolved emotional issues can exacerbate chronic pain conditions. Brainspotting can be a valuable complementary therapy for chronic pain management by addressing the emotional aspects that contribute to your physical discomfort.

Performance Enhancement: Whether you’re an athlete looking to improve your mental game, an artist seeking to overcome creative blocks, or a professional aiming to boost your career performance, Brainspotting therapy can help you tap into your full potential. By addressing any mental and emotional obstacles that hinder your performance, you can achieve greater success in your chosen field.

Personal Growth and Transformation: Brainspotting isn’t just about addressing problems; it’s also a tool for personal growth and transformation. It can help you uncover your true potential, enhance your self-esteem, and foster a deeper connection with yourself. This therapy can be an invaluable resource for those on a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement.

In conclusion, Brainspotting therapy offers a versatile and effective approach to healing and personal growth. Whether you’re dealing with trauma, stress, emotional blockages, or seeking to enhance your overall well-being, Brainspotting can be a tailored and empowering solution. As a Brainspotting therapist, I’m here to guide and support you on your unique path to healing and self-discovery. Together, we can unlock the transformative potential of Brainspotting and work towards achieving your therapeutic goals.

Meet Dr. Natalie Feinblatt, brainspotting therapist in Los Angeles

As a seasoned trauma specialist with over three years of dedicated experience in Brainspotting therapy, I bring a unique blend of expertise and empathy to the therapeutic process. My journey as a therapist has been deeply rooted in helping individuals overcome the most profound and challenging experiences life can present. What sets me apart is not just my background in Brainspotting, but the genuine commitment I hold to facilitate healing and transformation in the lives of my clients.

My journey into the world of trauma therapy and Brainspotting began with a deep passion for understanding the intricate workings of the human mind and the complexities of emotional trauma. Over the years, I’ve honed my skills, consistently staying updated with the latest advancements in trauma treatment. Through my years of practice, I’ve witnessed firsthand how Brainspotting therapy works wonders in unlocking the potential for healing, even in the most deeply ingrained trauma.

What truly sets me apart as a Brainspotting therapist is my holistic and client-centered approach. I believe that every individual is unique, and healing should be tailored to their specific needs and goals. In a Brainspotting therapy session with me, you can expect a safe, non-judgmental, and compassionate space where you are heard, valued, and empowered to explore the depths of your emotions.

I understand that trauma can manifest in various ways, affecting every aspect of life. My extensive experience allows me to address a wide range of trauma-related issues, including PTSD, complex trauma, and emotional dysregulation. Whether you’re seeking relief from specific traumatic events or struggling with the emotional aftermath of a difficult past, I’m here to guide you through the healing process.

My unique background as a Brainspotting therapist, combined with my unwavering dedication to your well-being, makes me a trusted partner on your journey to healing and personal transformation. Together, we can navigate the intricate landscape of your mind, unlocking the potential for lasting healing and growth. If you’re ready to embark on this transformative path, I invite you to take the next step and join me for a Brainspotting therapy session where your healing journey truly begins.

brainspotting therapy near me

What to expect during brainspotting sessions

Brainspotting therapy is an innovative and highly effective approach to addressing psychological trauma and facilitating deep healing. Rooted in the understanding of how trauma affects the subcortical brain, this therapy process identifies and targets the neurological origins of emotional distress. Here are key aspects of the Brainspotting therapy process:

Subcortical Brain Connection: Brainspotting therapy acknowledges that traumatic experiences often leave imprints in the subcortical brain, the seat of emotional processing and memory. Unlike traditional talk therapy, which primarily engages the cortical brain (the thinking and rational part), Brainspotting delves into the subcortical regions where emotions are stored. By accessing these deeper brain structures, it’s possible to address the root of emotional trauma more effectively.

Eye Position and Focus: A fundamental element of Brainspotting involves identifying eye positions, known as “brainspots,” that correspond to the emotional and physiological sensations associated with trauma. These spots are found through guided eye movements and positioning. By honing in on a brainspot, the therapist can access the client’s subcortical brain and help them explore the traumatic memories and emotions residing there.

Dual Attention: The therapist encourages dual attention during Brainspotting sessions. This means that the client maintains awareness of both the distressing thoughts or feelings related to the trauma and their external environment. This dual focus is crucial for staying grounded during the process, preventing retraumatization, and promoting a sense of safety.

The Role of the Therapist: Brainspotting therapists play a crucial role in facilitating the healing process. They provide a safe and non-judgmental space for clients to explore their trauma-related experiences. Therapists are trained to attune to the client’s physical and emotional responses, helping them navigate the depths of their trauma at their own pace. They serve as guides, supporting clients as they process and release emotional distress.

Processing and Integration: The therapy process involves allowing the client to process their emotions and memories within the context of the brainspot. This can be a deeply cathartic experience as it enables the release of pent-up emotional energy. The goal is to integrate these experiences into the client’s overall emotional landscape in a healthier and more adaptive way.

Individualized Approach: Brainspotting therapy recognizes that each client’s experience of trauma is unique. Therefore, it offers an individualized approach tailored to the client’s specific needs and goals. Sessions are client-centered, allowing clients to explore their trauma and emotional responses in a way that feels safe and empowering.

Empowerment and Healing: Brainspotting therapy is about more than just symptom reduction; it’s about empowerment and healing. By addressing the subcortical brain and targeting the neurological roots of trauma, this therapy process can lead to profound emotional and psychological transformation. Clients often report increased emotional regulation, reduced distress, and an improved overall sense of well-being.

FAQs about brainspotting therapy in Los Angeles

What is the difference between brainspotting and EMDR?

  • Brainspotting and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) are both powerful therapeutic techniques for processing distressing memories and trauma, but they have distinct differences in their approach.While EMDR primarily relies on bilateral eye movements to process traumatic memories, Brainspotting utilizes the client’s gaze to identify and focus on specific “brainspots,” which are eye positions associated with emotional and physiological sensations related to trauma. Brainspotting often involves less structured eye movements compared to EMDR.Another key difference lies in the level of client involvement. In EMDR, clients are encouraged to report their thoughts and emotions during the eye movements, while in Brainspotting, the therapist actively observes the client’s responses without requiring verbal disclosure, allowing for a more introspective and somatic exploration of trauma.

    Both techniques have shown effectiveness in trauma therapy, but the choice between them may depend on individual preferences and therapeutic goals. It’s advisable to consult with a trained therapist to determine which approach aligns best with your specific needs and experiences.

  • For more information, please see this comparative study:

Does brainspotting therapy really work?

  • Brainspotting therapy has gained recognition for its remarkable effectiveness in addressing traumatic memory. This innovative approach taps into the brain’s innate capacity for healing by focusing on the neural origins of emotional trauma.By identifying and targeting specific “brainspots,” which are eye positions associated with traumatic memory and emotional distress, Brainspotting facilitates the processing and release of these distressing memories. Unlike traditional talk therapy, it engages the subcortical brain, where emotional experiences are stored, allowing for a more direct and efficient route to healing.Numerous studies and clinical reports have highlighted the positive outcomes of Brainspotting therapy, indicating significant reductions in the emotional distress and symptoms associated with traumatic memory. Clients often report enhanced emotional regulation, reduced anxiety and depression, and an overall improvement in their quality of life.

    Overall, the effectiveness of Brainspotting therapy in addressing traumatic memory makes it a valuable and promising approach for individuals seeking relief from the lingering impact of trauma and distressing memories.

How long does it take for brainspotting to work?

  • The timeline of Brainspotting therapy can vary significantly from person to person, as it is highly individualized. Unlike traditional talk therapy, which often follows a structured schedule, Brainspotting adapts to the unique needs and progress of each client. During our initial sessions, we will collaboratively assess your goals and the complexity of the issues you’re addressing.Generally, clients may start to notice improvements in their emotional well-being and symptom reduction within a few sessions. However, more profound and lasting changes may take several weeks to months, depending on the depth of the trauma and the frequency of sessions. Some clients may find that they achieve their therapeutic goals in a relatively short time frame, while others may require a more extended course of treatment.Rest assured, as your Brainspotting therapist, I will work directly with you to create a personalized treatment plan that caters to your specific needs and pace of progress. Your comfort and progress are my top priorities, and together, we will navigate the therapeutic journey at a speed that ensures your long-term healing and well-being.

Where can I find brainspotting near me?

  • To find a Brainspotting therapist near you, consider utilizing online directories like the Brainspotting International website, which provides a searchable directory of certified therapists. Psychology Today is another valuable resource, offering a comprehensive directory of therapists with various specialties, including Brainspotting.Additionally, I want to emphasize that I offer teletherapy services, which means you can access this revolutionary new therapy from the comfort of your own home, regardless of your location. Whether you’re in my local area or reside in a different state, my teletherapy services are designed to provide the same level of care and support to individuals nationwide. This flexibility allows you to harness the power of Brainspotting therapy to address the intricate complexities of your nervous system and emotional well-being from anywhere you feel most comfortable. 

brain spot therapy

Working with a brainspotting therapist can help you find real, lasting relief.

If you’re seeking a transformative therapeutic experience through Brainspotting, I’m here to provide support and guidance. With my extensive experience as a trauma specialist and Brainspotting therapist, I can assist you in navigating the intricate landscape of your emotions and traumatic experiences. Through this revolutionary therapy, we can work together to address the impact of past events and promote healing in the present moment.

My approach emphasizes profound attunement to your needs, creating a safe and nurturing environment for your healing journey. Whether you’re dealing with traumatic memories, emotional blockages, or stress-related challenges, Brainspotting therapy offers a personalized pathway to emotional regulation and well-being.

If you’re curious about how Brainspotting therapy can benefit you or if you have any questions, I invite you to reach out for a free consultation. During this conversation, we can explore your unique therapeutic goals and determine if Brainspotting is the right fit for you. Your healing journey begins with taking that first step, and I’m here to support you every step of the way.